Further reading, inspiration, and background
‘Data can be a powerful tool for people, enabling them to enrich their lives, broaden their view on society and learn from each other.’
This quote from information designer Giorgia Lupi was one of our main inspiration sources. Read the full article here or watch Giorgia Lupi’s lecture on data humanism online.
We are very much inspired by the work of our collaborating partner Kontinentalist, a design studio that creates data stories from an Asian perspective. Their approach is to gap misconceptions about Asia by representing cultural experiences with data visualization.

Have a look at the talk they gave about their way of working during the Outliers Conference last year. Or read this article about the design process of cultural data stories they wrote last year, inspired by the coaching sessions with our students. Another community we feel close to is the Data Visualisation Society, a worldwide organization that strives for the representation of all cultures and people in data visualization and fosters an inclusive, diverse and international society. They host an excellent blog on data vis, called Nightingale.

For the additional guest lectures and the recordings of the teachers from the previous as well as the current year, you can check our CCDV youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@cross-culturaldatavisualiz4424/playlists